There are many famous urban legends around the world, and many people arguing both sides of them. Are they true, […]
Tips & Articles
Is the Vatican a country?
The Vatican is the home of the Catholic Church. With just a 2-mile city border, the entire city is less […]
Michelangelo and the Church
Michelangelo is famous across the world for his stunning art pieces. He is as one of the best artists of […]
Hierarchy of the Catholic Church
Pope, bishop, cardinal, priest. There are so many names thrown around when talking about the Catholic Church it is easy […]
What does the Pope do?
Pope Francis has served as head of the church for almost 7 years now, but what exactly does the Pope’s […]
The Influence of Religion over Italy
How did religion become ingrained into the essence of Italian society? More so than anywhere else in Europe. Hosting the […]
Best Lunch Spots in the Vatican
On your trip to the Vatican, you can walk miles, with kilometres of museum to explore and 320 steps up […]
The Circus of Nero
Circus during ancient Rome was not understood in the way we know it now. Circus referred to a large open-air […]
The Secret Archives of the Vatican
Millions of documents spanning across 12 centuries is what waits behind the doors of the Vatican Apostolic Archive. Find out […]
Who lives in the Vatican Palace?
The Vatican Palace, also known as the Apostolic Palace, is one of the most stunning structures of the Vatican City. […]