You can see the Vatican and St. Peter’s in the smallest city in the world, Vatican City. The Vatican are […]
Tips & Articles
What are 10 things to see at the Vatican?
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, and it is inside Rome. Vatican City may be the smallest […]
Is it worth doing a guided tour of the Vatican?
Vatican City is the smallest independent state in the world! Getting a tour of Vatican City is the best way […]
What is St. Peter’s Basilica famous for?
Opened in 1626, St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the most famous and biggest churches in the world. The history […]
Can you go to St. Peter’s Square at night?
St. Peter’s Square – or Piazza San Pietro – is one of the most recognisable squares across all of Europe. […]
How big is Vatican City?
The Vatican City is just one of the many wondrous places that makes Rome such an incredible place to visit. […]
Is the Vatican open for visitors?
The Vatican City is the centre of the Catholic world: a glorious testament to piety lined with ornate cathedrals, lush […]
How do you get a tour of the Vatican?
The Vatican City is the stunning centre of the Catholic world. With ornate cathedrals, grand plazas, lush gardens and some […]
Is Vatican City free to enter?
The Vatican City is the Catholic world’s ornate centrepiece, a microstate replete with ancient history, enchanting artworks and stunning architecture. […]
8 things to know about the Vatican
The Vatican City, the world’s testament to Catholic devotion, is spectacular whether you’re pious or a hedonist non-believer. The Vatican […]